"; } $error = ''; if(isset($_POST['CardNumber']) && ctype_digit($_POST['CardNumber'])) $authnet_values['x_card_num'] = $_POST['CardNumber']; else $error .= invalid("credit card number - must be all numeric"); if(isset($_POST['CardHolderFirst']) && ($_POST['CardHolderFirst'] != '')) $authnet_values['x_first_name'] = $_POST['CardholderFirst']; else $error .= invalid("Card Holder First Name"); if(isset($_POST['CardHolderLast']) && ($_POST['CardHolderLast'] != '')) $authnet_values['x_last_name'] = $_POST['CardHolderLast']; else $error .= invalid("Card Holder Last Name"); if(isset($_POST['ContactName']) && ($_POST['ContactName'] != '')) $authnet_values['x_last_name'] = $_POST['ContactName']; else $error .= invalid("Contact Name"); if(isset($_POST['ContactPhone']) && ($_POST['ContactPhone'] != '')) $authnet_values['x_last_name'] = $_POST['ContactPhone']; else $error .= invalid("Contact Phone"); if(isset($_POST['ContactEmail']) && ($_POST['ContactEmail'] != '')) $authnet_values['x_last_name'] = $_POST['ContactEmail']; else $error .= invalid("Contact Email Address"); if(isset($_POST['Account']) && ($_POST['Account'] != '')) $authnet_values['x_last_name'] = $_POST['Account']; else $error .= invalid("Account Number"); if(isset($_POST['H1']) && ($_POST['H1'] != '')) $authnet_values['x_last_name'] = $_POST['H1']; else $error .= invalid("Balance"); if(isset($_POST['T1']) && ($_POST['T1'] != '')) $authnet_values['x_last_name'] = $_POST['T1']; else $error .= invalid("Payment Amount"); if(isset($_POST['datum1']) && ($_POST['datum1'] != '')) $authnet_values['x_last_name'] = $_POST['datum1']; else $error .= invalid("Start Date"); if(isset($_POST['Patient']) && ($_POST['Patient'] != '')) $authnet_values['x_last_name'] = $_POST['Patient']; else $error .= invalid("Patient Name"); if(isset($_POST['exp_month']) && ($_POST['exp_month'] != '')) $authnet_values['x_last_name'] = $_POST['exp_month']; else $error .= invalid("Expiration Month"); if(isset($_POST['exp_year']) && ($_POST['exp_year'] != '')) $authnet_values['x_last_name'] = $_POST['exp_year']; else $error .= invalid("Expiration Year"); $datein = $_POST['datum1']; $compdatemth = substr($datein, 0, 2 ); $compdatedash1 = substr($datein, 2, 1 ); $compdateday = substr($datein, 3, 2 ); $compdatedash2 = substr($datein, 5, 1 ); $compdateyear = substr($datein, 6, 4 ); $date_format = 'Y/m/d'; $input = $compdateyear.$compdatedash2.$compdatemth.$compdatedash1.$compdateday; $input = trim($input); $time = strtotime($input); $is_valid = date($date_format, $time) == $input; if ( $is_valid == "yes" ) { $authnet_values['x_last_name'] = $_POST['datum1']; } else { $error .= invalid("Invalid Begin Date Format must be MM/DD/YYYY"); } if(isset($_POST['T1']) && is_money($_POST['T1'])) $authnet_values['x_last_name'] = $_POST['T1']; else $error .= invalid("Monthly Payment Amount-Payment Amount cannot contain $ sign"); if(isset($_POST['H1']) && ($_POST['H1'] != '') && is_money($_POST['H1'])) $authnet_values['x_last_name'] = $_POST['H1']; else $error .= invalid("Balance-Balance cannot containt $ sign"); if($error == '') { $readwait = "PP"; include ("/srv/include/machine.php"); $port = 4490; $socket = socket_create(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, 0) or die("Could not create socket\n"); $result = socket_connect($socket, $host, $port) or die("Could not connect to server\n"); socket_write($socket, "PPPAYPLAN"."|".$clientno."|".$account."|write|".$patient."|".$balance."|".$payment."|".$paymentlast."|".$paymentnumber."|".$paymentstart."|".$cardholderfirst."|".$cardholderlast."|".$cardnumber."|".$cardexpiremonth."|".$cardexpireyear."|".$contactname."|".$contactphone."|".$contactemail."|") or die("Could not send data to server\n"); do{ $result = socket_read ($socket, 1024) or die("Could not read server response\n"); $pos = strpos($result, $readwait); } while ($pos === false); echo "
"; socket_close($socket); ?>
Thank you for submitting your payment plan.
Balance due: $
Monthly Payment Amount: $
Payment start date: $

If the monthly amount is not acceptable, we will be in contact with you.
SportsMedicine Atlantic Orthopaedics

"; echo "


"; echo "

« go back"; $continue = "n"; ?>

Easy Pay Payment Plan Form

Patient Information
Patient Name
Account Number
Payment Information
Balance Due
Amount of Monthly Payment
Number of Payments.
Credit Card Information Information
Card Holder First Name
Card Holder Last Name
Credit Card Number
Expiration Date
Contact Information
Contact Name
Contact Number
Email Address